Conservation of momentum
Engineers choose components for their design that are accesible with a few clicks and contain all relevant data. If you have published your portfolio as an eCATALOG your product makes its direct way into the BOM and thus into PLM and ERP once the design is confirmed. Purchasers procure these components from you based on the bill of materials.

Customer examples of more downloads and revenue

Toshiba sales leads increased by 360 % with embedded technology by CADENAS

KETTEN FUCHS achieved a clear increase in sales with 3D CAD models by CADENAS

HUGRO increased its number of downloads within a year by 56 % with CADENAS

With the PARTcommunity solution, the sales of our components increased by 30%.
Steve Gilliom
PHD Inc.

PARTcommunity supplies us with high quality leads. Approx. 80% of the requests can become customers.
Paolo Fioroni

We saw our downloads double overnight when we switched to the CADENAS 3D CAD catalog
John Joyce, Brennan Industries

230% increase in CAD downloads and 30 % increase in sales leads in the last 12 months
Customer examples for saving time

By supplying our customers with this instantaneous design and working CAD model, it’s a smoother process overall.
Greg Pflum
Performance Feeders

We are kown for our 24 hour sample model, but we are now accelerating that by providing digital samples within 24 seconds.
Daniel Williams
Samtec, Inc.

What previously took us two days to complete can be done now in a matter of minutes.
Stéphane Lucas

We’re taking a process that took up to two-weeks’ time and dropping it down to seconds.
Nick Jones